How To Scan QR Code on Android Without App

QR codes have become increasingly popular over the previous decade. They can be found on restaurant windows, bus stations, store shelves, and even books. They're a quick and easy way to send folks to specified websites. 

As the demand for QR codes increases, all daily use devices are designed to enable scanning of QR Codes. Smartphones are included in this. Any Android device with a camera, whether it's a smartphone or a tablet, can scan QR codes. You can also freely open or share the URL (the website it leads to) once you've scanned the code.

QRcode facebook business

How to scan QR Code on Android Without App

2022 can be called as the year of QR Codes as they are increasingly used in every field. Let us see how we can scan a QR code without the help of any external app in an Android.

How to Scan QR Code on Android 9 and Android 10.

Android 9 & Android 10 have inbuilt QR Code readers in them. This is facilitated by Google Lens. All you have to do is open the camera and scan the QR code. The destination URL will be displayed on the screen.

How can we activate Google Lens?

Open the camera app and click on more to activate Google Lens to read QR Code suggestions. To scan QR Codes, go to Settings and enable Google Lens suggestions.

How to Scan QR Code with Android 8?

1. Google Screen Search: With Google Screen Search, users may instantly scan QR Codes without having to download an app. Simply point your camera at the QR Code, press and hold the home button, then select 'What's on my screen?' Consumers will be able to access the QR Code URL. 

How to Activate Google Screen Search? 

Open the Google app and tap Navigation if your smartphone's screen search is turned off. Enable Screen Search in the settings. 

2. Google Lens: Google Lens is an AI interface that detects everything in the camera, including QR codes. It can be found in both the camera app and Google Assistant. Simply download Google Lens and start scanning QR codes, or use Google Assistant to access Google Lens. 

Android 7 & below however requires a QR Reader or QR Scanner app to access QR codes.

Concluding Thoughts:

In conclusion we can say that the ability to scan QR Codes in an android lies in the OS Version. Phones with the latest android versions already have a built in QR Code Reader. Along with that “Google Screen Search”, and “Google Lens” facilitates QR code scanning in Android Phones.


How to Scan a QR Code on Android Without an App?

For Android 9 and Android 10: You can use your Android Device’s default camera to scan a QR Code. It can scan the QR code and will display the corresponding URL. For Android 8: 

Enable Google Lens and activate Google Screen Search.

Does Android Phones have built in QR Code Scanner?

There is a built-in QR code scanner in Android. It is situated in the camera and works when google lens suggestions is activated.

Can Google Pixel scan QR Codes?

QR Codes can be scanned using Google's Pixel. To do so, you don't even require Google Lens. When you open the camera app and point it at a QR code, the link will appear above the shutter button. To access the website, landing page, or URL, click on this link. 

What happens when you scan QR codes? When you scan a QR Code, it will lead you to a specific URL. Businesses make use of QR codes to: 

Increase followers on social media 

To provide offers and discounts 

To obtain product or service reviews. 

To lead customers to a landing page 

To lead customers to a product page 

To increase app downloads 

To help customers find exact store locations. 

To provide coupons and other freebies.

Why doesn’t my phone read QR Codes?

If your phone is not reading the QR Codes, go to the Camera Settings, and look for Enable QR Code Scanner Option. This will help you in reading QR Codes on your phone.